Le record de Diogo Costa à l’UCL transformé en action de solidarité

L’initiative mondiale donnant une deuxième vie aux emballages offre un nouveau terrain à Iztapalapa.

The UEFA Foundation for Children supports Diogo’s initiative by sending football kits and 120 balls to organisations close to the player’s heart.


Last season, Diogo Costa set the record for the highest number of penalties saved in a row in a single group phase of the UEFA Champions League. He pledged to convert the three consecutive saved penalties into three solidarity initiatives supported by FC Porto and the UEFA Foundation for Children.

The Dragons’ goalkeeper donated football kits to AMCH Ringe, the first club he played for, and FC Porto’s youth disabled football team. He is also supporting APORMast, the Portuguese Association of Patients with Mastocytosis and Mast Cell Diseases.

Children from Ringe and FC Porto were invited to the Estádio do Dragão for a dedicated workshop organised by Costa, who taught them how to kick and how to stop penalties. It was a privileged and inspiring moment for the kids: for many of them meeting Costa was a dream come true and it will reinforce their motivation and commitment to progress in football.

“I have great memories of playing for Ringe,” Costa recalls. “It’s motivating for me to represent Ringe as a former graduate while doing my best for FC Porto. I hope my story will inspire them in some way.”

Costa’s third initiative is designed to draw attention to the Portuguese Association of Mastocytoses and Mastocytoses (APORTMast). He became aware of this non-profit association through his former physical education teacher, Sónia Carvalho, who was very dear to him. She was recently diagnosed with mast cell disease and discovered that it is a rare disease that is very difficult to identify. In addition, medicines that greatly improve the quality of life of sufferers are not reimbursed.

FC Porto launched an auction on Friday to support this cause, and the items up for grabs are a jersey signed by Costa, two tickets for the FC Porto–FC Shakhtar Donetsk Champions League match scheduled to take place at 20:00 on 13 December at the Estádio do Dragao, and a chance to meet Costa after the match.

The sale ends at 12 noon on Thursday 7 December, and all profits will go to APORMast.

Lien vers l'émission télévisée de l'UEFA présentant les trois actions de solidarité.

Lien vers la vente aux enchères.


C’est un honneur de soutenir le lancement du terrain Sabritas RePlay. Je suis certain que ce terrain aura des effets positifs et qu’il rassemblera les habitants grâce au pouvoir du football, en les aidant à apprendre, grandir, prendre confiance en eux et développer leur esprit d’équipe, tout en s’amusant, bien sûr. J’ai eu la chance d’expérimenter moi-même les effets positifs que le sport peut avoir sur la vie des gens et, grâce à cette initiative, des jeunes auront la possibilité de trouver dans le football un cadre sûr et un divertissement.

- Oribe Peralta, ambassadeur UEFA